Decided to get in shape
Iweight 281 pounds. This is the most I every weight in my life. I am going to die pretty soon, If I don't get my fat ass in shape. I am so ashamed of my self. I was a gym rat most of my life. Now I have become what I hate the most big fat over weight slob. How did I get like this, sitting on my ass for hours. Working on my sites, looking up homes for clients and jacking around. I have decided to shame my self to get my ass in shape. I will take photos everyweek. Until I get in shape. My goal is to drop 60 to 70 pounds in 4 months or less. I will jot down foods and workouts right here. So clown me , make fun of me. I need it or I will be in the grace or get my legs cut off do to dietbets like my folks . Start date July 5, 2006
nice blog i read it all
I like you just the way you are. If you ever want to hook up some time, hit me up on gmail @ to you later gorgeous.
I like you just the way you are. If you ever want to hook up some time, hit me up on gmail @ to you later gorgeous.
No disrespect folk, but you look good at the size you are. Just stay that size and remain healthy. My dad is the size you are and is very healthy. If he can do it, I know that you can.
I like you just the way you are. If you ever want to hook up some time, hit me up on gmail @ to you later gorgeous.
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